Schools2030 pakistan
Schools2030 Pakistan operates in the very remote areas of Chitral and Gilgit-Baltistan.
The vibrant South Asian nation of Pakistan, officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, is the world’s fifth-most populous country, with a population of over 241 million. Pakistan is bounded by Iran to the west, Afghanistan to the northwest and north, China to the northeast, and India to the east and southeast. The climate varies from tropical to temperate, and many communities live in remote and hard-to-reach areas, which has a knock-on effect on education accessibility and the country’s overall progress.
Across Pakistan over 26.2 million children are out of school, 53% of whom are girls, and more than 60% of 3-5 year olds do not attend any sort of pre-primary education. Nearly 10.7 million boys and 8.6 million girls are enrolled at the primary level and this drops to 3.6 million boys and 2.8 million girls at the lower secondary level. There is a need to improve teacher education and pedagogy, as well as nurture inclusive learning environments and focus on holistic student learning.
In the largely decentralised education system, there is a drive both at national and regional level to address these challenges. Article 25a of the Constitution “provides for free and compulsory education to all children of the age group 5 to 16 years” as a fundamental right. The Prime Minister has declared a National Education Emergency (May 10, 2024) to address the challenge of 26 million out of school children and poor learning outcomes. The Foundational Learning Policies are being finalised in provinces whilst the Federal Foundational Learning Policy was launched on June 20, 2024.
Our Team in pakistan
Shakoor Muhammad
National Coordinator
Mirza Hassan
Schools2030 Programme Officer (Gilgit-Baltistan)
Syed Wali Shah
Schools2030 Programme Officer (Chitral)
Erum Adnan
Senior Programme Officer, Education
Amina Nigar
Schools2030 Programme Officer (Chitral)
Khalid Jan
Programme Officer, MERL
As with many countries, Pakistan’s education system was adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns. However, following the easing of travel restrictions in the country, the Schools2030 Pakistan team engaged different stakeholders to select the five focal learning domains on which the programme will focus for the different age groups.
While government officials focused on literacy and numeracy domains, teachers and school level officials were generally enthusiastic about the programme’s focus on non-academic as well as academic skills.
With support from Oxford MeasurEd, the Schools2030 Global Assessment Coordinator, Schools2030 Pakistan has developed assessment tools for each of the domains for pre-primary, primary and secondary levels. As with other Schools2030 countries, these tools not only assess the holistic learning levels of the students, but also the quality of the learning environment.
The tools for each domain have been created in coordination with the Learning and Assessment Partner, the Aga Khan University, Institute for Educational Development.
Access examples of assessment tools
from across our programme countries.
All these tools are available free to download below and will continue to be refined and iterated to ensure robust psychometric validity.
Schools2030 Pakistan worked closely with the global team to develop the Schools2030 HCD Toolkit and to adapt and translate this resource for the Pakistani context. This is a unique resource in the country and it is likely to have a significant impact on encouraging more participatory pedagogical practices.
The pandemic, ongoing security concerns and more recently the climate emergency have disrupted education significantly in Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral. The Schools2030 Pakistan team has been working to support student learning and through a human-centred design process.
The Mother Teacher Guide
DESIGNED BY: Local learning communities facilitated by the Schools2030 team
TO IMPROVE: Creativity, collaboration, problem-solving
The guide is for parents and carers to support their children’s learning at home and has been designed to be accessible to parents with low literacy levels. The guide focuses on learning through play which helps to reinforce the holistic learning approach of Schools2030.
Empowering Girls to Lead
DESIGNED BY: Shazia Bibi, Government Girls’ High School, Murdan, Chitral
TO IMPROVE: Leadership
The Eco-classroom aims to give students an inspiring classroom environment that strengthens their theoretical knowledge with real examples from nature.
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Each corner of the Eco-classroom offers specific functions and assists students to learn biology in a creative, hands on and visually-stimulating environment.
Together with her students, Rahmatova will plant, grow and tend a variety of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants, decorative plants and medical herbs and multiply them. There is also a proposal for an aquarium for fish care and a terrarium for reptile care that will serve as visible examples for students while studying and learning about fish, reptiles, ecosystems and other related topics. The Eco-classroom aims to assist students to comprehend complex and challenging biological topics which they can then connect to their real lives.
Coming Soon