Why is Human Centred Design (HCD) important for achieving SDG4 by 2030?
The Global Launch of Schools2030’s Free,
Open-Source HCD Toolkit for Teachers.
Schools2030 is delighted to launch the free, open-source HCD Toolkit, which will equip educators across 1000 schools with foundational design skills and tools to amplify their work and improve the learning outcomes of students.
Watch the short film to find out more about Schools2030 and the HCD Toolkit up close: who and what is Schools2030; what is HCD and why do we use it; who is behind the creation of the Toolkit; how will Schools2030 transform our collective approach to education; and how will the Toolkit engage schools, CSOs & governments in a classroom-driven design process that can catalyse positive change.
Join us at the outset of this amazing journey that we will take over the next ten years together – a journey to generate evidence that proves that schools themselves are best placed to improve the holistic learning outcomes of their students and work towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 – quality education for all.
We are currently working on translations of the Toolkit across our geographies. Get in touch to find out more: