Schools2030 Kyrgyzstan recently held its second National Forum, which took place in Bishkek on 1st December 2023. Organised by the Aga Khan Foundation in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, local partners UNICEF, UNESCO and the Republican Teacher Training Institute (RTTI), the Forum brought together a range of education system influencers from Kyrgyzstan ahead of the Schools2030 Global Forum which will be hosted in Bishkek next year, and will focus on teacher leadership and climate education.
For the National Forum, 50 teachers, school principals and district education officers from Osh, Jalal-Abad, Chui, Naryn oblasts and Bishkek city came together to exchange knowledge and ideas for improved teaching and learning practices relating to holistic skill development, inclusivity, climate education and quality learning environments.

The primary aim of the National Forum was to showcase effective teaching methods that can positively influence students’ knowledge, skills and abilities, but the event also aimed at fostering open and constructive dialogue between teachers and policymakers that can address modern educational challenges and global climate change.
Teachers from 15 educational organisations presented their ideas to delegates, which included teachers from other schools and representatives from the Ministry for Education and Science.
Dr. Bronwen Magrath, Schools2030’s Global Programme Manager, emphasised the significance of the event and the Schools2030 programme for the future of teaching and learning in the Kyrgyz Republic.
“Supporting teachers to bridge the gap between policy and practice is crucial for effective climate education. Schools2030’s three-step model – empowering teachers to assess, co-design, and implement innovations addressing students’ learning needs – ensures impactful changes at the classroom level which can, in turn, inform policy decisions.”
Teachers from across the country took part in the forum and shared their experience of being part of Schools2030. Nuriya Abdrahmanova, a schoolteacher at a public school in Kara-Kulja district in Osh shared her major takeaway from her involvement with the Schools2030 programme.

“If before we shared experience and knowledge on a district level only, now thanks to Schools2030 we can do it on a country level. And now at this national forum it’s great to be introduced to different innovative teaching methods that can equip students with the skills and knowledge that will meet the needs of the modern world, like critical thinking, logic, communication skills and the ability to learn and adapt”.
Forums like this are taking place across Schools2030 countries and form an important part of the ‘showcase’ step of the three-step model. Not only do they offer platforms for the exchange of knowledge, they also support teachers to become effective at presenting their ideas to education leaders and help to bridge that gap between policy and practice. With the Schools2030 Global Forum for 2024 just around the corner, the Kyrgyz National Forum has provided a key space for teachers to begin discussions with education system leaders.
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