Revolutionising Education: The Journey of Algueirão Cluster Towards Nature-Centric Learning

The Algueirão Cluster of Schools in Sintra, Portugal, is transforming its approach by integrating nature-based learning into the curriculum—fostering creativity, collaboration, and a deeper connection with the environment.

30 September 2024
By Amy Macgregor

Twenty years ago, the Algueirão Cluster of schools was established with a shared vision for educational growth. Among its founding schools is the Casal da Cavaleira Primary School, a facility built without fully considering the full potential of its natural surroundings. As time passed, the educators at the school identified a need to incorporate the green surroundings, to enrich the learning experience for its students by allowing them to learn outdoors. An opportunity arose that would eventually lead to an important transformation in the Algueirão Cluster’s approach to education. 

A nature-centric vision: Reorganising an abandoned green space 

In July 2023, educators from across the Algueirão Cluster came together through Schools2030 to rethink their schools’ relationship with the natural environment. A previously abandoned green space on the school grounds was identified as the starting point for this transformation. Rather than relying on top-down directives, the school adopted a Human-Centred Design approach, inviting both teachers and students to share their ideas on how the space could be repurposed. 

The community’s input was invaluable. For the first time, students were not only listened to but saw their ideas implemented, sparking a sense of ownership and pride in the project. As a result, teachers from different levels of education, many of whom had never worked together before, united under a shared goal: to develop nature-based learning activities that could be integrated into the curriculum. 

Students exploring and documenting natural objects

From ideas to practice: The “Geras” Concept 

The initial innovation, which started as a small-scale experiment, quickly evolved into something much larger. By September 2023, the project had developed into a fully-fledged educational concept called “Geras.” The concept, which focuses on integrating outdoor learning and nature-based activities into daily school life, now extends across all preschool and primary school levels within the cluster. It has also begun piloting in the 5th and 7th grades, with the goal of expanding to the entire cluster. 

The “Geras” initiative stands out for its integration of outdoor learning as a core educational methodology, where students play an active role in shaping the curriculum. This interdisciplinary approach connects various fields of knowledge, making learning more engaging and holistic and helps students engage practically with different subjects, building cognitive and socio-emotional skills in the process.

11-year-old students from one school recently participated in an activity called “Creating a Bracelet with Elements from Nature.” This hands-on exercise encouraged students to engage creatively with their environment by collecting natural materials like leaves and flowers from the school playground and transforming them into unique, handcrafted jewellery. In addition to sparking creativity, the activity also fostered a deeper sense of respect and care for the environment. 

At another school, there is an outdoor space where students can explore, play, and learn in close contact with nature—without even leaving the school grounds. For many students, the “Geras” project has offered a valuable opportunity to experience learning in a dynamic, interactive outdoor setting.

“I love learning outdoors! When we’re in nature, I feel like we learn in a different way. It’s so much fun taking care of the plants and doing activities like making the bracelet.”

A student at Casal da Cavaleira Primary School

In another activity titled “Is There Air Everywhere?”, Year 2 students explored scientific concepts in a fun and practical way. They predicted and observed what happens to a bag when running with it in various locations, testing the presence and movement of air. This playful experiment offered a chance for students to investigate scientific ideas while developing both motor and cognitive skills.

“I really enjoyed running with the bag and seeing how the air filled it. Learning like this, outside the classroom, is so much fun!”

A student at Casal da Cavaleira Primary School

The “Geras” activities emphasise the importance of integrating nature into the learning process, allowing students to participate directly in shaping their educational experiences. The school’s playground provides a perfect setting for these activities, offering students a natural environment to explore interdisciplinary learning.

Expanding nature-based learning across age groups 

A significant feature of the project is its reach across different age groups. Currently, all children from 3 to 10 years old participate in outdoor learning activities. Teachers who were once sceptical or unfamiliar with the concept of nature-based education have increasingly embraced it, even in schools that don’t have immediate access to green spaces. 

This growing adoption among educators is a testament to the strength of the concept. Leadership within the Algueirão Cluster has been fundamental in this transformation, creating an environment of trust and empowerment.

Collaboration and innovation for the future 

The success of the Geras concept by the Algueirão Cluster, has laid the groundwork for a future where nature is an integral part of the educational experience. As more teachers and students embrace the concept, the cluster is exploring new ways to expand nature-based learning throughout the community. 

This project demonstrates the power of collaboration, innovation, and, above all, a commitment to listening to the voices of those who matter most—teachers and students. Through this Human-Centred Design process, the Algueirão Cluster has redefined what it means to connect education with the natural world, proving that meaningful change is possible when everyone is given the chance to contribute. 

Find out more about Schools2030’s work in Portugal and check out our – Eight Recommendations for Climate Education from the Schools2030 Global Forum 2024. 

Geras – Aprendizagens ao Ar Livre

No âmbito da solução **Geras – Aprendizagens ao Ar Livre**, os alunos dos 3º anos participaram recentemente na atividade “Criação de uma pulseira com elementos da natureza”. Nesta atividade, as crianças envolveram-se com o meio ambiente de forma prática e criativa, incentivando a exploração dos espaços ao ar livre. Os alunos recolheram folhas, flores e outros materiais naturais no recreio da escola, transformando-os em pequenas jóias artesanais. Além de promover a criatividade, a atividade ajudou a reforçar o respeito e o cuidado pelo ambiente que os rodeia. 

O “Geras” destaca-se por integrar a aprendizagem ao ar livre como uma metodologia pedagógica, onde o currículo é construído com a participação ativa dos alunos, promovendo a interdisciplinaridade entre as diferentes áreas do conhecimento.  

Na Escola Básica Casal da Cavaleira, temos o privilégio de contar com um espaço ao ar livre, onde os alunos podem explorar, brincar e aprender em contato direto com a natureza, sem precisar sair da escola. 

Para muitos alunos, o projeto “Geras” tem sido uma oportunidade valiosa para aprender de forma dinâmica e envolvente, ao ar livre. Segundo o testemunho de um dos participantes:  

*”Adoro aprender ao ar livre! Quando estamos na natureza, sinto que aprendemos de forma diferente, e é muito divertido cuidar das plantas e fazer atividades como a das pulseiras.”* 

A interdisciplinaridade proporcionada pelas atividades ao ar livre permite que os alunos contactem diferentes áreas de aprendizagem de forma prática, desenvolvendo competências tanto cognitivas quanto socioemocionais. 

Schools2030 is a global movement for holistic learning and teacher leadership. The movement brings together a diverse coalition which includes educators, school leaders, civil society, researchers, international organisations and government across ten countries and 1,000+ schools and community learning sites. The goal of Schools2030 is to improve quality teaching and holistic learning, and to foster resilient education systems across the world, including for those living in remote regions and those facing multiple forms of marginalisation and crises. Schools2030 will realise its goal through a focus on teacher agency – recognising educators as leaders, innovators and active agents in education reform. Join the movement on InstagramXFacebook, and LinkedIn.