Where does a teacher in Pakistan interested in engaging his students in numeracy find relevant pedagogical practices? Or when a teacher in Brazil comes up with a brilliant idea for her home economics class, where does she share it?
Currently, there is no such place. Most of the improvements that teachers develop independently in the classroom remain undocumented.
Schools2030 is partnering with HundrED, a global non-profit specialising in education innovations, to develop Faved, the first free, public, teacher-sourced and teacher-validated platform for sharing the best classroom practices. Faved allows teachers to share their innovative pedagogical methods with other educators around the world. The concept was created for Jacobs Foundation MIT Solveathon by the HundrED team, where it received the Promising Innovation Award.
The primary goal of the platform is to enable more teachers to improve learning outcomes around the world. It will also work as an accessible new tool for teacher professional development.
“Schools should be the centre of social change, not the target of change. This platform gives teachers a way to reclaim the discourse about ‘what works’ to improve holistic learning outcomes in some of the most challenging contexts in the world”, says Dr. Andrew Cunningham, the Global Lead for Education at the Aga Khan Foundation.
“What Github has done for software development, Faved will do for teaching. It will highlight proven improvements to teaching from all classroom contexts and let teachers favorite, validate, and improve the solutions that work.”
Lasse Leponiemi, Executive Director of HundrED
The recently released Schools2030 Human-Centred Design Toolkit aims to give teachers the means to identify impediments to their students’ learning and work in collaboration with community and other stakeholders to design, create and test innovations and see how these play out in practice.

Faved will be developed in close collaboration with the Schools2030 schools, and it will be launched for the wider public at the RewirEd event in Dubai in December 2021. The first 1000 pedagogical practices for teacher development will be available in 2022.
This article was written by Annina Huhtala from HundrED for Schools2030. The Faved platform (still under construction but open for initial subscribers) can now be found here.