Schools2030 Global Forum

Reimagining the Role(s) of Schools, Systems and Societies for the Future of Learning

Reimagining the Role(s) of Schools, Systems and Societies for the Future of Learning


In June 2022, Schools2030 hosted the inaugural Schools2030 Global Forum in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, bringing together a cross-section of leaders from global, national, and local education ecosystems to collectively explore three key topics and accompanying questions over three days:

The Future of Assessment and Evidence in Education:

How might we better measure holistic quality learning outcomes across Schools, Systems and Societies?

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The Future of Design and Innovation in Education:

How might we better catalyse inclusive quality learning experiences across Schools, Systems, and Societies?

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The Future of Policy and Practice in Education:

How might we better collaborate to advance equitable quality learning journeys across Schools, Systems and Societies?

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A cross-section of delegates from over 25 countries attended the inaugural Global Forum, which also included many representatives from across East African civil society, businesses, schools, teacher networks and more.

Alongside Schools2030, the Forum was co-hosted by the Aga Khan Foundation, UNICEF, the Regional Education and Learning Initiative and the Government of Tanzania and built on the long history of partnerships that these organisations have working across multiple sectors together – as well as on their broader education portfolios – in the region.

In attendance was His Excellency Adolf Mkende, Minister of Education in Tanzania, Her Excellency Lela Muhammad Musa, Minister of Education in Zanzibar, and His Excellency João Costa, Minister of Education in Portugal, representing the host country for 2023.

Following the format of Schools2030’s Three-Step Model for Educational Change (Assess, Innovate, Showcase) the three days of the Forum deep-dived into one of the steps through a series of moderated discussions and roundtable workshops, as participants tackled the central question of the Forum and quite literally explored how we might reimagine the role(s) of schools, systems and societies for the future of learning.


Teachers as innovators of classroom learning – the Schools2030 Global Forum

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Schools2030 Global Forum supporting teacher-led innovation for better classroom experiences

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Explore the session learnings from Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3