Day 1 | 2022
The Future of Assessment and Evidence in Education: How might we better measure holistic quality learning outcomes across schools, systems and societies?
The first day of the Schools2030 Global Forum launched with an exploration into how we, collectively, might better measure what matters. Explore below and download a short learnings report for each session.

Schools2030 Global Forum Opening Ceremony:
Why do we need to reimagine the role(s) of schools, systems, and societies for the future of learning?
Facilitators: Dr. Bronwen Magrath, Global Programme Manager, Schools2030, UK
Shaibu Athuman, National Coordinator, Schools2030, Tanzania
Speakers: Ephrain Killaha, Head Teacher, Mbande School, Tanzania | Hon. Prof. Adolf Mkenda, Minister of Education, Tanzania | Dr. Maryam Ismail, Regional Education Learning Initiative (RELI) Country Lead, Tanzania | Dr. Daniel Baheta, UNICEF Chief of Education, Tanzania
The Future of Assessment and Evidence in Education:
How do we measure what matters to support meaningful learning and skills for the future?
Facilitator: Dr. Rachel Outhred, Oxford MeasurEd, Schools2030
Speakers: Hon. Prof. Joao Costa, Minister of Education, Portugal | Sajida Baig, Karimabad Hunza High School, Pakistan | Vishal Tareja, CEO, Dream a Dream, India
Measuring learning through play:
How might we assess quality learning in the classroom?
Facilitators: Eve Hadshar and Rajdeep Chowdhury, The LEGO Foundation
Speakers: Rachel Outhred, Oxford Measured | Tabitha Nduku, RTI International
Abbie Raikes, ECD Measure/University of Nebraska
Measuring holistic skill development: How might we better support learning through formative assessment?
Speakers: Ryan Burgess, Porticus | Agatha Kimani, Zizi Afrique | Emily Tusiime, Schools2030 East Africa | Justine Nansubuga, Kiswa Primary school, Uganda
Measuring learning in challenging contexts: How might we assess what matters for learners on the move and in conflict or crisis?
Facilitators: Maurits Spoelder, Education Cannot Wait | Leanne Turner, Schools2030 Global
Measuring government uptake of evidence: How might we better ensure the effective utilization of educational data and research by policy makers?
Facilitator: Annina Mattson, Independent Consultant
Speakers: Asyia Kamzi, Gates Foundation | Bathylle Missika, OECD | Kamanda Kamiri, Educate!
Nicole Pflock – Instiglio Impact Investment | Marit Blaak, VVOB
Measuring and Strengthening Capacity for Learning Measurement: How might we co-create a systemic view of capacity to generate and use data on learning outcomes?
Facilitators: Fergal Turner, Oxford Measured | Clay Westrope, Save the Children
Measuring teacher agency: How might we assess growth mindsets with and for teachers?
Facilitator: Janat Namatovu, Schools2030 Uganda
Speakers: Vongai Nyahunzvi, Teach for All | Viji Iyer, STiR Education | Sharon Ng’ayo, Teach For Kenya Achola Dinah, Teach For Uganda | Vicent Mukalaz, STiR Uganda | Oliver Nambi, STiR Uganda
Measuring learning variability: How might we support teachers to use assessment to understand the diverse learning needs and pathways of their students?
Facilitators: Bethiel Girma Holton, Oak Foundation | Gelgia Fetz Fernandes, Jacobs Foundation
Speakers: Alemayehu Gebre, Luminos Fund | Ezra Nathanael Ntazoya, Archbishop Mihayo University College of Tabora | Juma Ndabhagiliye, Buhongwa Secondary School, Tanzania | Amy Ogan, Carnegie Mellon University
Respondent: Rachel Outhred, Oxford Measured
Measuring what youth need to succeed: How might we assess the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values young people need?
Facilitator: Praise Malwafi, UNICEF GenU Young People’s Action Team
Speakers: Nafisa Shekhova, Aga Khan Foundation | Samuel Otieno, Global eSchools and Communities Initiative
Hana Sahatqia, UNICEF, GenU | Samson Sitta, Milele Zanzibar Foundation
Measuring values and ethics: How might we nurture more pluralistic learning environments?
Facilitator: Rupert Corbishley, AKF East Africa
Speakers: Adriana Ferreira Rebouças Campelo, teacher, Brazil | Sughra Choudhry Khan, AKF Pakistan | Vishal Talreja, Dream a Dream
Digital Competencies for Learning with EdTech: What are the skills teachers and learners need to unlock the benefits of EdTech to improve learning?
Facilitator: JohnPaul Barretto, EdTech Hub
Speakers: Samson Wambuzi, Yiya Solutions | Faraja Nyalandu, Shule Direct | Fredrick Mtenzi, Aga Khan University | Lasse Leponiemi, HundrED
Day 1 Closing Reflections and Keynote: How might holistic learning assessments promote educational equity and inclusion for all?
Facilitator: Nafisa Shekhova, Global Lead for Education and ECD, AKF
Speakers: Saba Saeed, Programme Manager, ITA Pakistan | Maurits Spoelder, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Specialist, Education Cannot Wait