Day 1 | 2023
Promoting Equity, Inclusion and Pluralism in and through Early Learning Settings
Explore the day’s panels and challenge sessions below and download a graphic recording capturing the key points from each session.

Discussion Panel Day 1:
How might we foster more inclusive, equitable and pluralistic learning in and through the early years?
Chair: Nafisa Shekhova, Aga Khan Foundation
Panellists: Abbie Raikes, University of Nebraska | Naima Adam, Madrasa Early Childhood Programme | MartÃn Benavides, IIEP-UNESCO | Ana Sofia Antunes, Secretary of State for Inclusion, Portugal | João Costa, Minister of Education, Portugal
Schools2030 Teacher Showcase
Innovations to improve quality and equity in pre-primary education
Chair: Shaibu Athuman, Schools2030 Tanzania
Teachers: Mwajuma Athumani Mlezi, Mbande Primary School, Tanzania | Janali Entezar, Schools2030 Afghanistan, on behalf of ECD teachers, Shakila Begum and Qurban Begum, Karte Khorasan School | Rogério Pereira, School Cluster Algueirão, Sintra, Portugal
Respondent: Chris Thomas, Yidan Prize Foundation, Foundations Representative on Global Partnership for Education
How might we address diversity when investigating the use of holistic skills assessments for early childhood development?
Facilitators: Ellen Smith, Schools2030 Global | Rebecca Zhu, University of California, Berkeley | Eric Opoku, Right to Play | Emily Tusiime, Schools2030 East Africa | Mwajuma Athumani Mlezi, Pre-School Teacher at Mbande Primary School, Tanzania
Teacher-led learning circles for formative assessment: Inclusion through teacher leadership
Speakers: Martin Henry, Education International | Dalila Andrade Oliveria, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil | Monika Bieri, School Teacher, Switzerland | Ana Maria Clementino, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil | Manuela Mendonça, FENPROF
Reflective practice in mathematics education: Engaging teachers in learning communities for deepening equitable instructional practices and supporting student thinking
Facilitators: Rajeev Virmani, Sonoma State University | Maina WaGĩokõ, Aga Khan Schools, Academy, Mombasa
Empowering teachers to build and systematise their innovations: The role of action research to foster equitable and inclusive education
Facilitator: ThaÃs Mesquita, Ashoka | Diego Elias, CIEJA Campo Limpo, Brazil | Fernando Tavares, University of São Paulo, Brazil
How might we excite and inspire teachers to use more inclusive design in teaching and learning?
Facilitators: John McIntosh, STiR |Â Sughra Choudhry Khan, Schools2030 Pakistan | Jane Sebuyungo, STiR | Rupert Corbishley, Aga Khan Foundation | Halima Shaaban, Schools2030 Kenya
How do we best support teachers to enhance their voice and autonomy through holistic and innovative teaching methods in challenging contexts?
Facilitators: Ahmad Zamir Gowara, Schools2030 Afghanistan | Baela Jamil, Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi | Mir Afzal, Nazarbayev University | Rayana Fazli, Aga Khan Foundation
Youth Workshop Part 1:
Empowering the future: A hybrid meeting of Schools2030 youth across five countries to discuss implications of the UN Transforming Education Summit in their contexts
Keynote: João Costa, Minister of Education for Portugal
Gamification and personalized learning for inclusive mathematics education
Facilitators: Fernando LuÃs Santos, Schools2030 Portugal | Mauro Figueiredo, Universidade do Algarve
How to teach climate resilience – learn and share with others!
Facilitators: Bakari Liwowa, Kitomanga Secondary School, Tanzania | Lasse Leponiemi, HundrED | Hans Park, HundrED
How can we help pre-primary teachers engage with data on classroom practices?
Facilitators: Abbie Raikes, UNMC, ECD Measure | Rebecca Mojgani, ECD Measure | Jem Alvarenga Lima, ECD Measure | Naima Adam, Madrasa Early Childhood Programme, Kenya
Speaking experience to change: Amplifying teacher voices in classrooms, school networks, Ministries of Education and beyond
Facilitators: Laurel Schmitt, R4D | Courtney Tolmie, R4D | Jessica Lynn Bergmann, UNICEF | John McIntosh, STiR | Jane Sebuyungo, STiR
How do we improve diagnostics and acceptability of children with disabilities in East Africa and globally?
Facilitators: Cassie Hornsby-Waide, ThinkPlace | Shakoor Muhammad, Schools2030 Pakistan | Kaitlynn Saldanha, Luminos Fund
How might local civil society groups best contribute towards inclusive education systems, particularly for out of school and vulnerable adolescents?
Facilitator: Matt Reeves, Aga Khan Foundation
Global Forum Opening Ceremony
How might we foster more inclusive schools, equitable education systems and pluralistic learning societies?
Chair: Andrew Cunningham, Aga Khan Foundation
Opening Remarks: Rui de Carvalho de Araújo Moreira, Mayor of Porto | João Costa, Minister of Education, Portugal | Jamila Mayanja, Youth Educator, Uganda
Panel: The Catalytic Role of Philanthropy: Laura Savage, International Education Funders Group (Moderator) | Tariq Al Gurg, Dubai Cares | Sidsel Marie Kristensen, LEGO Foundation | Simon Sommer, Jacobs Foundation
Opening Reflections: Ana Catarina Mendes, Minister in the Cabinet of the Prime Minister and Parliamentary Affairs | Michael Kocher, Aga Khan Foundation