Day 2
Promoting Equity, Inclusion and Pluralism in and through our Schooling Systems
Explore the day’s panels and challenge sessions below and download a graphic recording capturing the key points from each session.

Discussion Panel
How might we foster more inclusive, equitable and pluralistic learning through our schooling systems?
Chair: Baela Raza Jamil, Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi Pakistan
Speakers: Maina WaGÄ©okõ, Aga Khan Schools, Academy, Kenya | Dra. IlÃdia Cabral, Catholic Porto University | Heather Graham, Oak Foundation | Toktobubu Ashymbaeva, Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Kyrgyz Republic | Ian MacPherson, Global Partnership for Education
Schools2030 Teacher Showcase
Innovations to improve quality, equity and inclusion in and through our classroom contexts
Chair: Nazira Zholdoshbekova, Schools2030 Kyrgyz Republic
Teachers: Shazia Bibi, Government Girls Secondary School Murdan, Chitral, Pakistan | Abhishek Kumar, Basic School, Bakhari, Muzaffarpur, India | Aikanysh Zotova, Shivaza General Secondary School, Alexandrovka village, Kyrgyz Republic | Muhamadieva Nazokat, General Secondary School No. 2, Tajikistan
Respondent: Maurits Spoelder, Education Cannot Wait, the UN Global Fund for Education in Emergencies
Teachers for the Planet: Building collective leadership to address the climate crisis through empowering teachers as catalysts for inclusive climate education
Facilitators: Sarah Horley, Learning Planet Institute | Lennart Kuntze, Teach for All | Ahmad El Baghdadi, Teach For Lebanon fellow | Esther Gacigi, Teach For Kenya fellow | Egoitz Etxeandia Romero, Empieza por Educar alumnus | Natalia Herrera, Empieza por Educar alumnus
What do we know is (and is not) working to support children’s learning in conflict and crisis-affected settings? Preliminary findings from Burkina Faso, Iraq and Afghanistan
Facilitators: Rachel Outhred, Oxford MeasurED | Maurits Spoelder, Education Cannot Wait, the UN Global Fund for Education in Emergencies
How do we create valid, reliable measures of holistic learning that can be usable by and useful for teachers in a range of contexts?
Facilitators: Fergal Turner, Oxford MeasurEd | Takbir Ali, Aga Khan University Institute of Education Development | Joana Cadima, University of Porto | Nitika Meena, Eklavya Research | Ana Camacho, University of Porto | Baela Jamil, Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi
How do personal biases affect student learning and wellbeing?
Facilitators: Catarina Ferreira, Teach For Portugal | Débora Silva, Teach For Portugal | Maria Martins, Student at Basic School Vale de S. Torcato, Portugal | João Pereira, Student at Basic School Vale de S. Torcato, Portugal
Why do polices and initiatives that seek to advance inclusion of learners with disabilities not translate into practice? Rethinking inclusion in education from top-down to bottom-up approaches for learners with disabilities
Facilitators: Ellen Smith, Schools2030 Global | Teo Babirye, Mulago School of the Deaf, Uganda | Alejandra Vijil, Open Development & Education | Ana Duarte, Agrupamento de Escolas Ferreira de Castro, Portugal
Scaling holistic learning innovations: Exploring key challenges and strategies to foster more inclusive scaling processes
Facilitators: Laurel Schmitt, R4D | Leila Loupis, OECD’s Schools+ Network | Courtney Tolmie, R4D
Youth workshop Part 2
Amplifying the voice of youth: Prioritising and presenting youth perspectives on Transforming Education in Portugal
Facilitators: Fernando LuÃs Santos, Schools2030 Portugal | Monica Mascarenhas, Aga Khan Foundation Portugal
Schools2030 Design Workshop
What’s Next? How might we strengthen school-to-system pathways and partnerships through the Schools2030 movement and beyond?
Facilitators: Katie Krummeck, Schools2030 Global | Munir Ahmad, Aga Khan Foundation