Example presentation with feedback
Said Baya Kombo volunteered to provide an example video of a presentation he made after using the resources from this mini course. Watch the video of his presentation to get an idea of what a presentation could look like. Then, review the rubrics and feedback that Schools2030 National Coordinators gave to Said in order to help him improve.

Example Presentation Video
This example presentation video were created by Said Baya Kombo a teacher in Kenya.
Watch the video to see an inspirational example of what a presentation can be.

Example Presentation Feedback #1
Example feedback that was given to Said Baya Kombo, a teacher in Kenya, from National Coordinator, Rita Alves from Portugal.
Example Presentation Feedback #2
Example feedback that was given to Said Baya Kombo, a teacher in Kenya, from National Coordinator, Saurabh Rai from India.
Example Presentation Feedback #3
Example feedback that was given to Said Baya Kombo, a teacher in Kenya, from National Coordinator, Shaibu Athuman from Tanzania.
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