Day 2 | 2022
The Future of Design and Innovation in Education: How might we better catalyse inclusive quality learning experiences across Schools, Systems, and Societies?
The second day of the Schools2030 Global Forum launched with an exploration into how we can support schools and teachers to design better learning experiences. Explore below and download a short learnings report for each session.

The Future of Design and Innovation in Education: How do we recognise and nurture the ‘innovator’ in ourselves and in our communities?
Facilitators: Faraja Nyalandu, CEO, Shule Direct
Speakers: Dr. Vongai Nyahunzvi, Chief Network Officer and Head of Africa, Teach for All | Mwasi Wilmore, CEO, Ubongo | Dr. Urmila Sakar, Global Head of Programmes, UNICEF Generation Unlimited | Dr. Christopher Thomas, Director of Partnerships, Yidan Prize Foundation | Dr. Asyia Kazmi, Global Education Policy Lead, Gates Foundation
Teachers as Designers for Educational Change: How might we harness the power of Human-Centred Design (HCD) to drive more innovations in our classrooms and beyond?
Speakers: Katie Krummeck, Global Innovation and Design Advisor, AKF | Halima Shaaban, Schools2030 National Coordinator Kenya | Nazira Zholdoshbekova, Schools2030 National Coordinator Kyrgyzstan
Designing with government stakeholders: How might we work better together?
Facilitators: Matt Reeves, Aga Khan Foundation | Sherali Saidoshurov, Schools2030 Tajikistan | Alexandra Marques, Schools2030 Portugal
Designing with Youth: How might we increase youth voices to catalyse change in the education ecosystem?
Facilitators: Cynthia Onyango, AKF East Africa
Speakers: Domitila Jonace, Tanzania Youth Coalition | Jaqueline Peter Njige, Makangarawe Organisation | Moses Maina, Kiunga Youth Bunge Initiative | Anastase Ndagijmama, UNICEF GenU Young People’s Action Team | Devotha Mlay, Girls’ Livelihood and Mentorship Initiative | Samuel Otieno, FundiBots
Designing with schools and teachers: How might we support educators to be leaders of learning?
Facilitators: Katie Krummeck, Schools2030 Global Rita Alves, Schools2030 Portugal Nazira Zholdoshbekova, Schools2030 Kyrgyzstan
Designing with Funders: How might we build better coalitions?
Co-facilitators: Bathylle Missika, OECD Development Centre Laura Savage, International Education Funders Group Haider Fancy, International Education Funders Group
Designing with Researchers: How might we co-create evidence with local and global stakeholders?
Facilitator: Ellen Smith, Schools2030 Global
Speakers: Duishonkul Shamatov, Nazarbayev University | Renaud Comba, Data Must Speak/UNICEF Innocenti | Saba Saeed, ITA Pakistan | Agatha Kimani, ZiZi Afrique | Tabitha Kilonzo, RTI International | Elizabeth Germana, Right to Play | Simon Vendelin, University of Dar es Salaam
Designing Innovations in Climate Change and Education: How might we help learners and educators be more climate literate, resilient and compassionate in the next five years?
Facilitators: Lennart Kuntze, Teach for All | Leonora Crowley, Learning Planet
Speakers: Colin Bangay, FCDO | Lawrence Mbwambo, World Wildlife Foundation | Alison Bellwood, World’s Largest Lessson, Project Everyone | Juvêncio da Silva Cardoso, Escola Baniwa Eeno Hiepole, Schools2030 Brazil
Sustainable Networking for Education: How might we strengthen our collective impact over the next five years?
Facilitator: Simon Sommer, Jacobs Foundation | Margaret Wawira, Regional Education Learning Initative
Speakers: Gaudence Kapinga, HakiElimu | Romana Kropilova, Jacobs Foundation
Designing Innovations for Out-Of-School Children: How might we enable 1 million out-of-school children access learning over the nextfive years?
Facilitator: Sabrina Harvey, Education Above All Foundation, Qatar
Speakers: Alemayehu (Alex) Gebre, Luminos Fund, Ethiopia | Atiqullah Ludin, Aga Khan Foundation, Afghanistan | Daniel Baheta, UNICEF, Tanzania | Karabo Mokgonyana, UNICEF GenU, South Africa
Designing Innovations for Early Childhood Development: How might we build stronger coalitions to improve access to pre-preimary education in marginalized communities over the next five years?
Facilitator: Amina Mwitu, Regional ECD Advisor, AKF East Africa
Speakers: Mwajuma Kibwana, Tanzania Early Childhood Development Network (TECDEN) |
Carolyne Ng’eny, Firelight Foundation | Rajdeep Choudhary, LEGO Foundation
Designing Innovations for Gender Equality in and through Education: How might we better support and scale ‘what works’ in advancing gender responsive education in the next five years?
Facilitators: Nyambura Gathumbi and Aqeela Datoo, AKF East Africa
Speakers: Rasmata Barry and Dorice Ndibalema, Global Affairs Canada | Rajeev Virmani, Sonoma State University | Priscilla Kusuro, UNICEF GenU Young People’s Action Team | Mweru Mwingi, Aga Khan University
Day 2 Closing Reflections and Keynote: How might we catalyse a new social movement for teacher-led education innovation? Plus: Launch of the Portal: Your favourite teaching practices – from human-centred design to classroom action
Facilitator: Rupert Corbishley, Regional Education Advisor, AKF East Africa
Speakers: Dave Duarte, Treeshake | Lasse Leponiemi, Executive Director, HundrED | Swaleh Abubakar Ahmed, Tononoka Secondary School, Mombasa